In Yamaloka, based on their karma on earth, Yamaraja decides whether to send them to Pitruloka, a good world to enjoy, or a bad world to suffer. Leaving aside those who attain moksha or go to Devaloka, all others go to Yamaloka. Those whose death rites are not performed continue to roam around on earth as Pretas and suffer.Those who have done a mix of good deeds and evil deeds enjoy in good worlds and also suffer in bad worlds in that proportion.Once their sins are exhausted through suffering, they take rebirth. Those who have committed sins are sent to Narakam for suffering.He takes rebirth after someone from his seventh generation downwards dies and reaches Pitruloka. An average religious person who has lived a righteous life goes to Pitruloka.After enjoying themselves there for some time they take rebirth. Those who have lived a religious life and performed yajnas ordained in the Shrutis and Smritis take the path called Devayana and reach Devaloka.Those who have exhausted their karma attain moksha.The path after death is not the same for all souls. There could be some changes in the case of another relationship. Throughout this write-up, the rituals will be narrated as the eldest son would do for his father. The mantras and some parts of the procedure could vary in other Grihya Sutras. This write-up is based on the procedure laid down by Sage Apastamba which is followed by the majority of Yajurvedi Tamil Brahmins.